LIPOFREZE Cryolipolysis

Cryolipolysis Radio Frequency + Lipofreze


Vacuum + Cryo + Heat
For Liposculpture and reduction of local fat deposition.

Treatment Principle

The method uses two techniques:

  1. Suction, for effective targeting of treated areas.
  2. Controlled cooling forces a large percentage of adipocytes cells to apoptosis, a controlled cellular death. Released fatty acids, are naturally removed through the lymphatic system. Clinical studies show that an impressive 25-40% fatty tissue reduction is achieved in 2-4 sessions.
  3. Controlled heat which forces fat cells to survive, forcing them to excrete fatty acids.


  • Non - invasive
  • Dissolves localized fat with no side effects
  • Decrease fat volume with no side effects
  • Without anesthesia
  • Painless
  • Permanent impressive results from the first session
  • No recovery time is required. After a Lipofreze session you can return to your daily activities



Lipofreze method can be applied throughout the body, except the face and neck. The most popular areas are: abdomen, inner and outer thighs, arms and back. Lipolysis body sculpture.

  • Lipo destruction
  • Body contouring
  • Cellulite